
Award description
This award recognises excellence in the craft of feature writing and storytelling, with particular focus on originality, research skills, impact and writing technique. Judges will be looking for the very best in storytelling that is impeccably researched and impactful for readers.
The winner will receive the Helen Paske Memorial Trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in a newspaper, newspaper-inserted magazine, magazine and/or website during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit THREE feature articles.
    Please note: a feature is NOT a long news story. Your entry could be set aside by the judges. Check with your editor if you are unsure.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Entrants must write a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry. Your statement is an important component of your entry so use it wisely. It could help the judges decide why your stories deserve to win over another equally good entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Writing excellence, compelling storytelling45%
Topicality, exclusivity, agenda setting35%
Initiative, originality20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in the craft of feature writing and storytelling, with particular focus on originality, research skills, impact and writing technique. Entries are accepted from student journalists and junior journalists..

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in a newspaper, newspaper-inserted magazine, magazine and/or website during 2024.
  2. Entrants must have been employed as a journalist or active as a freelancer for three years or less at the time the stories appeared. Students and interns may also enter this category.
  3. Entrants must submit THREE feature articles.
    Please note: a feature is NOT a long news story. Your entry could be set aside by the judges. Check with your editor if you are unsure.
  4. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  5. Entrants must write a statement of support of up to 200 words giving background to the entry. Your statement is an important component of your entry so use it wisely. It could help the judges decide why your story deserves to win over another equally good entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Writing excellence, compelling storytelling35%
Topicality, exclusivity, agenda setting35%
Initiative, originality30%

Award description
This award recognises the very best in news, current affairs and specialist publications – defined as publications and/or websites that don’t meet the requirement for any of our newspaper awards; and that principally target a business, consumers or a specific audience, with content focused on related topics; and/or with a news/current affairs focus.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for print and/or digital news, current affairs or specialist publications published during 2024.
  2. Print publications must submit TWO editions of the publication. Digital-only publications should provide links to up to FIVE stories or series from the eligible period (01 January to 31 December 2024).
  3. Print publications should attach TWO edition covers that may be used for display during the award process.  Digital publications should attach TWO images, including a publication masthead, that represent your brand. These may be used for display purposes during awards announcements.
  4. Entries with a print edition must be scheduled to appear at least quarterly.
  5. The publication can be paid or free.
  6. The cover date must be in the 2024 calendar year. A publication that appeared in late December 2024 but has a cover date of January 2025 is not eligible. (It will be eligible for the 2026 Awards). Similarly, a publication that appeared in December 2023 but had a January 2024 cover date is eligible. A publication with a December 2023/January 2024 cover date is eligible as is a publication with a December 2024/January 2025 cover date.
  7. Websites and website-only entries will be judged at the same time as printed copies.
  8. Print-based entrants may also include a link to a website.
  9. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 500 words. It should include details of audience changes/readership over the past year. It could include details of your vision for the publication or website, target audience, innovation, improvements/changes made, and what you are trying to achieve.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Content, including writing excellence, topicality, innovation and fresh ideas50%
Connection with target audience; evidence of engagement with subscribers or audience; Usefulness to the industry, profession or targeted readers30%
Design innovation, including illustrations, data and graphics; clear layout20%

Award description
This award recognises excellence in newspaper magazines, offering a mix of news, features, columns, photography, lifestyle pieces and illustration to complement a newspaper.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is open to magazines that were inserted into a newspaper during 2024.
  2. Please also attach the THREE publication edition covers as part of your entry. These may be used for display purposes during awards announcements.
  3. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 500 words. It should include details of audience growth/readership over the past year and development of associated digital channels. It could include your vision for the magazine, target audience, improvements/changes made in 2024, what you are trying to achieve and exclusivity.
  4. Entrants must submit THREE editions of the newspaper magazine.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Content, including writing excellence, topicality, columns and headings; innovation, fresh ideas.50%
Connection with target audience; evidence of readership growth; associated digital channels30%
Design, including the cover, photography/illustration, graphics; clear layout.20%

Award description
This award recognises the very best of community newspapers, whose content is focused on, but not limited to, matters of community importance.  It can be paid or free and would not typically fit the criteria of any of the other Newspaper of the Year awards.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for community newspapers published in 2024, which must cover community news and issues only. The paper may have a cover price.
  2. Entrants must submit THREE editions of the community paper.
    Note: agricultural and other specialist publications are not eligible for this award – they should enter ‘Best News, Current Affairs or Specialist Publication’.
  3. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 500 words giving background to the entry. The support statement may be entered in the statement of support box on Award Force or submitted as a pdf and may contain images. It should include relevant information about the three editions, including exclusivity, campaigns or background to stories. The statement should also include details of audience reach in 2024, changes/improvements made, campaigns or series that brought about increased awareness, change or raised funds, audience engagement and exclusivity.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Coverage of issues and stories important to the community/readers; quality of journalism including news stories and writing50%
Agenda-setting including exclusive and/or campaigns or community-focused high-impact series30%
Evidence of audience reach and engagement10%
Design including photography/graphics10%

Award description
This award recognises the very best of regional newspapers, whose content is focused on matters of regional importance in addition to national and international news. Newspapers entered to this award may not also be entered into Metropolitan Newspaper of the Year.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for regional newspapers published in New Zealand in 2024. A regional newspaper is a paid newspaper that is published at least 3 times a week and whose content is focused on, but not limited to, matters of regional importance.
  2. Content must include local, national and international news. Mastheads that comprise only local content should consider entering Community Newspaper of the Year.
  3. Entrants must submit THREE editions published in 2024. The entry may include not more than one weekend edition which may also be entered separately in Weekly Newspaper of the Year.
  4. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 1200 words. This may be entered in the statement of support box on Award Force or submitted as a pdf and may contain images. Please adhere strictly to the word limit. Judges will discount anything beyond 1200 words. The support statement should include relevant information about the three editions, including exclusivity, campaigns or background to stories. The statement should also include details of audience reach in 2024, changes/improvements made, campaigns or series that brought about increased awareness, change or raised funds, and audience engagement. Include details of any magazines and inserts.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Overall content, including news selection and exclusive stories, specialist sections and features, opinion, inserted magazines; quality of journalism including news stories and writing50%
Connection with readers, agenda setting, including exclusives, campaigns, investigations and stories that have brought about change30%
Evidence of audience reach and engagement10%
Design, including use of images and graphics; reader-friendly lay-out10%

Award description
This award recognises the very best of daily metropolitan newspapers, whose content services a large city in New Zealand. Newspapers entered to this award may not also be entered into the Regional Newspaper of the Year award.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for metropolitan newspapers published in New Zealand in 2024. A metropolitan newspaper is a paid newspaper, published daily, servicing a large city in New Zealand.
  2. Entrants must submit THREE editions published in 2024. The entry may include not more than one weekend edition which may also be entered separately in Weekly Newspaper of the Year.
  3. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 1200 words. This may be entered in the statement of support box on Award Force or submitted as a pdf and may contain images. Please adhere strictly to the word limit. Judges will discount anything beyond 1200 words. The support statement should include relevant information about the three editions, including exclusivity, campaigns or background to stories. The statement should also include details of audience reach in 2024, changes/improvements made, campaigns or series that brought about increased awareness, change or raised funds, and audience engagement. Include details of any magazines and inserts.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Overall content, including news selection and exclusive stories, specialist sections and features, opinion, inserted magazines; quality of journalism including news stories and writing50%
Agenda setting, including exclusives, campaigns, investigations or stories that have brought about change30%
Evidence of audience reach and engagement10%
Design, including use of images and graphics, reader-friendly lay-outs10%

Award description

This award recognises the very best of weekly newspapers which focus on serving a specific weekly audience segment e.g. interest group, community group, location or day.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for weekly newspapers published in New Zealand in 2024. A weekly newspaper is a paid newspaper that is published once a week.
  2. Entrants must submit THREE editions of the paper published in 2024. Where a weekend newspaper has formed part of an entry for a daily Newspaper of the Year award (Regional or Metropolitan), that edition may also be entered in this award.
  3. Entrants may provide a statement of support of up to 1200 words. This may be entered in the statement of support box on Award Force or submitted as a pdf and may contain images. Please adhere strictly to the word limit. Judges will discount anything beyond 1200 words. The support statement should include relevant information about the three editions, including exclusivity, campaigns or background to stories. The statement should also include details of audience reach in 2024, changes/improvements made, campaigns or series that brought about increased awareness, change or raised funds, and audience engagement. Include details of any magazines and inserts.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Overall content, including news selection and exclusive stories, specialist sections and features, opinion, inserted magazines and writing; quality of journalism including news/feature stories and writing excellence50%
Agenda setting, including exclusives, campaigns, investigations or stories that have brought about change30%
Evidence of audience reach and engagement10%
Design, including use of images and graphics, reader-friendly lay-outs10%

Chosen from four Newspaper of the Year award winners (Metropolitan, Regional, Weekly and Community) and announced at the Awards event in 2025.

Award description

This award recognises excellence in written news reporting. Judges will be looking for outstanding work by one reporter over a range of stories. The portfolio of three items should demonstrate the skills required to produce great stories under deadline pressure: quality writing, accuracy, research tenacity, and impact.
The winner will receive the Voyager Journalist of the Year Cup.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for written work published in a newspaper, newspaper-inserted magazine, magazine and/or website during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE news stories/investigations on any subject.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. The majority of all content submitted should be the work of one journalist only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 400 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content/impact60%
Writing excellence/clarity20%
Use of contacts/initiative20%


Award description

This award recognises the skill involved in feature photography, including portraits, fashion, food and architecture.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines, trade publications and/or websites during 2024.  Entries may include work published on a public social account associated with a publisher brand, but not a private account. Unpublished work is ineligible.
  2. Entrants must submit FIVE feature-style photos.
  3. The portfolio can be a mixture of work or five of the same type of images, eg. all portraits.
  4. Entries to this award may be entered as part of a portfolio for Best Photo-Story and/or Photographer of the Year.
  5. Entrants must provide a caption for each photo to explain the context and give details of where and when the photo was published.
  6. Entrants may write a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background that may be useful to the judges. This could include details of perseverance, initiative used, exclusivity, problems faced or efforts made to achieve a particular shot.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact on page or screen25%
Technical skill/composition/use of light/background25%

Award description

This award recognises the skill involved in news photography, capturing outstanding images of news stories and events.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines, trade publications and/or websites during 2024.  Entries may include work published on a public social account associated with a publisher brand, but not a private account. Unpublished work is ineligible.
  2. Entrants must submit FIVE news-related photos.
  3. Entries to this award may be entered as part of a portfolio for Best Photo-Story and/or Photographer of the Year.
  4. Entrants must provide a caption for each photo to explain the context and give details of where and when the photo was published.
  5. Entrants may write a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background that may be useful to the judges. This could include details of perseverance, initiative used, exclusivity, problems faced or efforts made to achieve a particular shot.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact on page or screen25%
Technical skill/composition/use of light/background25%

Award description

This award recognises the skill involved in sports photography, capturing the dramatic highs and lows of sporting performance or related activity.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines, trade publications and/or websites during 2024.  Entries may include work published on a public social account associated with a publisher brand, but not a private account. Unpublished work is ineligible.
  2. Entrants must submit FIVE sports-related photos.
  3. Entries to this award may be entered as part of a portfolio for Best Photo-Story and/or Photographer of the Year.
  4. Entrants must provide a caption for each photo to explain the context and give details of where and when the photo was published.
  5. Entrants may write a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background that may be useful to the judges. This could include details of perseverance, initiative used, exclusivity, problems faced or efforts made to achieve a particular shot.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact on page or screen25%
Technical skill/composition/use of light/background25%

Award description

This award recognises the skill involved in photojournalism reportage, narrating a visual story in a series of photographs that gives viewers insight into an event or topic.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines, trade publications and/or websites during 2024.  Entries may include work published on a public social account associated with a publisher brand, but not a private account.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of between 6 and 10 images that tell a single story*. At least 3 of the images from the portfolio must have been published.
    *Note: a photo-story is not a random collection of photos but is based on a common theme eg an event or subject, and mostly taken at the same time.
  3. Entries to this award may be entered into any of the other photography awards.
  4. Entrants must provide a caption for each photo to explain the context and give details of where and when the photo was published.
  5. Entrants may write a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background that may be useful to the judges. This could include details of perseverance, initiative used, exclusivity, problems faced or efforts made to achieve a particular shot.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Demonstrates initiative and originality40%
Impact on the page or screen/tells a visual story30%
Technical skill/composition/use of light/background30%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in photography as demonstrated by a portfolio of between 8 and 12 images showing the photographer’s diverse range and technical skill.
The winner will receive the Press Photographer of the Year trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines, trade publications and/or websites during 2024. Entries may include work published on a public social media account, but not a private account. Unpublished work is ineligible.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of between 8 and 12 photos on any subject.
  3. The portfolio should demonstrate diversity.
  4. Work entered into other photography awards may be included in this portfolio.
  5. Entrants must provide a caption with each photo to explain the context and give details of where and when the photo was published.
  6. Entrants may write a statement of support of up to 300 words giving relevant background that may be useful to the judges. This could include details of perseverance, initiative used, exclusivity, problems faced or efforts made to achieve a particular shot.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Demonstrates initiative and originality40%
Shows ability to work within a range of subjects and styles30%
Technical skill/composition/use of light/background30%

Audio, Digital and Video

Award description

This award recognises the skill of producing news in a video format. Content should cover an emerging story (or one that has just happened) which has real significance or wide interest to viewers. The news video should capture a live story/moment and exhibit accuracy, clarity, objectivity and outstanding individual or team efforts in covering a developing news story.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published on a New Zealand-based website or broadcast on television or during 2024.
  2. A team or an individual can enter this award.
  3. Entrants must submit ONE news video of no more than SEVEN minutes in length that captures a live story/moment.
  4. Entrants must provide a working title for the video, and details of where and when it appeared.
  5. Please list the names of all team members and their roles on the ‘Contact information’ tab.
  6. Each team can enter only one video. However, a team made up of a slightly different mix may also enter a video separately to the award.
  7. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background to the entry that could be useful to the judges.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/impact/appeal to viewers50%
Quality of storytelling, clarity and compelling narrative30%
Impact of footage/video and audio technical skills20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in longform current affairs/documentary production that is grounded in the principles of journalism — accuracy, impact, public benefit, ethics, creativity, research and reporting — together with high production values.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published on a New Zealand-based website, or broadcast on television or radio during 2024.
  2. Entries must be either a single piece of longform current affairs; or a single documentary; or a serialised documentary on a single topic (90 minutes maximum).
  3. Entrants must provide a working title for the current affairs/documentary item or series, and details of where and when it appeared.
  4. Please list the names of all team members and their roles on the ‘Contact information’ tab.
  5. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background to the entry that could be useful to the judges.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Quality of storytelling, clarity and compelling narrative 50%
Exclusivity/originality/initiative 30%
Impact of footage/technical skills including audio, shooting and editing 20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in current affairs in short formats, including analysis, discussion and interviews which help viewers understand a news story in greater depth.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published on a New Zealand-based website, or broadcast on television or radio during 2024.
  2. Entries must be a single piece of shortform current affairs or no more than three related reports on the same topic (less than 20 minutes in total). Entries should be the original in its entirety and not edited down or cut to fit the time limit.
  3. Entrants must provide a working title for the current affairs item and details of where and when it appeared.
  4. Please list the names of all team members and their roles on the ‘Contact information’ tab.
  5. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 100 words giving relevant background to the entry that could be useful to the judges.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Quality of storytelling, clarity and compelling narrative50%
Impact of footage/technical skills including audio, shooting and editing20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in audio news and current affairs journalism that demonstrates excellent and original storytelling, research, and investigative skill.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for a podcast published on a New Zealand-based website during 2024. For the avoidance of doubt, content should be original podcast material – not replayed radio.
  2. Entrants must submit a maximum of THREE episodes from a podcast series. This could be a limited season or an ongoing series.
  3. Entry must be from an accredited media organisation and contain editorial content.
  4. The submitted podcast(s) must be in a form that was released to the audience, not edited to create a “highlight” entry.
  5. Entrants must include details of when and where the podcasts were published.
  6. Entrants must write a statement of support of up to 500 words giving background to the entry. Include IAB compliant download numbers to demonstrate audience size/engagement, details of impact the podcasts had, and any changes as a result.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Absorbing, informative and coherently structured storytelling50%
Newsworthiness/agenda setting20%
Production quality (eg editing, sound, music, narration)20%
Exclusivity and originality of material10%

Award description

This award recognises new and innovative ways of gathering and presenting news to connect with digital audiences in new ways, including visual storytelling, data journalism, animation, or multimedia presentation.  Judges will be looking for clever use of technology and techniques to connect with readers/viewers and hold their attention, without losing sight of the more “traditional” skills of getting and telling a good story accurately and well.

Entry criteria

  1. .This award is for work published on a New Zealand-based website  and/or app during 2024.
  2. Entries are accepted from an individual or a team.
  3. Entrants must submit ONE digital news story.
  4. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 400 words giving background to each entry. Your statement is an important component of the entry so use it wisely. It could help the judges decide why this digital story deserves to win over another equally good entry. Please include names of all those involved in the production of the digital story, and their roles within the contact information box.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Effective use of multimedia production techniques such as text, videos/animated explainers, audio, data, images, graphics and good design to tell a story and drive audience engagement60%
Newsworthiness/exclusivity/originality/agenda setting40%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in visual storytelling across news, current affairs and documentary production, with portfolios that demonstrate exclusive/original work with quality storytelling. compelling narratives, technical skill and impact.
The winner will receive the McKendry trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work broadcast on a New Zealand-based website or on linear television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE videos on any subject.
  3. To qualify for this category, the videos must be largely the work of ONE video journalist only. The video journalist must have filmed and edited 80 per cent of all video content. If a second video journalist was involved, please explain the additional filming (for example – due to geographical constraints) in the statement of support box.
  4. A reporter may be involved in the videos, but no editor or producer. If the video journalist has also undertaken the role of reporter (researched a story and formed/asked questions), please outline in the statement of support.
  5. Entrants must provide a title for each video, and details of where and when it appeared.
  6. Please name all contributors to the production of the videos, including yourself, and their roles on the ‘Contact information’ tab.
  7. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 300 words, confirming they have filmed/edited 80% of the videos. Relevant background to the entry will also be useful to the judges.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Quality of storytelling, clarity and compelling narrative 35%
Impact of footage/technical skills including audio, shooting and editing 30%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in the performance and delivery of digital news and current affairs journalism, with a particular emphasis on news, original content, innovative ways to engage with audiences, excellence in design and ease of navigation.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is open to New Zealand-based digital news organisations.
  2.  Entrants must submit ONE website and/or app only.
    Note: commercial websites/apps without editorial content do not qualify.
  3. The website and/or app will be judged on a combination of achievements across 2024 and a live week during March 2025. The March dates will not be announced but they will be common to all entries.
  4. The website and/or app should have a predominance of locally generated editorial content which may include news, current affairs, investigative journalism, data journalism, opinion and reviews, illustrations – including photographs, video, graphics and cartoons – features, entertainment, lifestyle, sport, business and politics. Original content will have a value premium over aggregated or syndicated content.
  5. Judges will be looking for examples of great journalism, including coverage of breaking news and major events, investigative journalism, exclusive stories, campaigns and series during the year, how the website and/or app has developed, innovation, use of social media, audience growth, accessibility, ease of navigation and user experience.
  6. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 900 words which can be attached as a pdf and must contain no more than 12 links. Please adhere strictly to the word length.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Live judging of content during March 2025: dominance of the news space, consistent delivery of relevant news, original/exclusive stories, and follow-ups. The site’s and/or app’s own content will have a value over aggregated or syndicated content35%
Great journalism, including coverage of news and major events, investigative journalism, exclusive stories, campaigns and series35%
Evidence of audience reach during 2024 and innovative ways to engage the audience20%
Design and accessibility, including ease of navigation10%

All Media

Award description

This award recognises comment/opinion, analysis and critique and includes columnists, reviewers, opinion writers and commentators across all topics of discussion.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE examples of their work (not necessarily related). News reporting will not be considered. The examples may include print and digital writing, including individual columns, editorials and blogs or a combination.
  3. Entrants must include details of when and where the work was published.
  4. Entrants must submit a statement of support of up to 300 words, giving relevant background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Ability to engage, inform and/or entertain the audience and/or to clearly articulate, argue and advance an opinion40%
Writing excellence30%
Depth of knowledge and how that is conveyed30%

Award description

This award recognises the best of our ‘up and coming’ journalists, including junior and student journalists.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2023.
  2. Entrants must have been employed as a journalist or active as a freelancer for three years or less at the time the stories appeared. Students and interns may also enter this category.
  3. Entrants must submit THREE stories on any subject.
  4. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items.  This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  5. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  6. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content50%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence/clarity25%
Use of contacts/initiative25%

Award description

This award recognises the wide range of skills involved in producing a piece of investigative journalism. Individuals and teams may enter this award. Judges will look for accuracy, balance, thorough research and public interest/appeal.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. A team or an individual can enter this award.
  3. Entrants must submit ONE investigation.
  4. Entries may include up to THREE linked articles or items which may be across multiple platforms. For a podcast series, a maximum of THREE episodes may be entered and must include the first episode.
  5. Please name all those involved in the production of the investigation, including yourself, and their roles.
  6. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 200 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact of investigation and/or changes that came about; relevance to audience30%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence/clarity20%

Award description

This award recognises the resourcefulness and skill used to compile a ‘scoop’ – an exclusive report reported before other journalists/media organisations which contains important and revealing facts about an issue or event.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites and/or apps, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit ONE scoop (single news story) on any subject.
  3. The scoop should be an example of breaking/immediate/exclusive news, or exclusive investigation, not a news backgrounder to a previous story.
  4. A team may have been involved in the production, however if more than one reporter was involved, the entrant must include a clear explanation of each of the reporters’ roles and involvement.
  5. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 200 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Exclusiveness/newsworthiness/impact 60%
Use of contacts/initiative 20%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in specialist or beat reporting that is characterised by sustained and knowledgeable coverage of a specific area, topic, issue or subject that is not already covered in any of our other awards.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE reports on the same specialist subject, for example (but not limited to) science; health; environment; technology; education; or crime. Specialist areas that are already covered in other awards are not permitted to enter this award (ie Business; Politics; and Sport).
  3. Entries may include a mixture of types of journalism – eg. news reports, features and/or opinion writing.
  4. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  5. The majority of all content submitted should be the work of one journalist only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  6. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact/exclusive content/newsworthiness50%
Agenda setting/informative, research, use of contacts and initiative25%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence, including ability to connect and engage audiences with specific subject matter25%

Award description

This award recognises teamwork and journalistic skill in coverage of a major news event, probably (but not necessarily) across multiple platforms. Entries should demonstrate impact, immediacy, accuracy, storytelling excellence, exclusive angles, and a variety of journalistic techniques/formats to provide context to the major news event.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites and/or apps, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entries may include up to 10 stories or items, including follow-ups close to the date of the original story.
  3. Entries should include the initial story that led to the subsequent coverage over the following days, weeks and months:
  4. Television and audio entries: please submit the initial story plus up to 30 minutes of compiled footage.
  5. Print and digital entries: please submit the initial story and up to nine subsequent stories.
  6. Entries may include text, photography, video, audio, graphics and social media.
  7. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 600 words which summarises the major news event and details the planning that went into producing the subsequent coverage.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact; compelling content including writing and/or storytelling excellence, fresh and/or exclusive angles and voices.50%
Clarity, easy-to-access and understand information, data and graphics; strong visuals including photographs and/or video. 30%
Strong follow-ups to keep the story fresh.20%

Award description

This award recognises the importance and relevance of editorial campaigns/projects which have broad appeal/interest and have the potential to bring about change through informing, motivating and/or mobilising a wide audience.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entries should include up to 10 stories or items related to the campaign or project.
  3. Entries can be across multiple platforms and may include stories, photographs, videos, audio, opinion pieces and social media input.
  4. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 400 words giving background to the entry. Your statement could help the judges decide why your campaign deserves to win over another equally good entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Relevance or importance to the public, audience engagement35%
Outcome – including funds raised, resulting changes, increased awareness35%
Compelling presentation of the series - including writing and/or storytelling excellence, case studies/voices and images30%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in coverage of Pacific issues. The portfolio of stories submitted should take an in-depth look at issues affecting Pacific peoples and communities across the Pacific Region and in Aotearoa New Zealand, providing readers/audiences a greater understanding and awareness.
The winner will receive the Le Mana Pacific trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit THREE pieces of work.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items.  This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. If another reporter was involved, the entrant must explain the extent of that person’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content50%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence/clarity providing readers/audiences a greater understanding and awareness.30%
Use of contacts/initiative20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in storytelling demonstrating mātauranga/Māori knowledge and understanding, sensitivity in dealing with kaupapa Māori, kaupapa wairua etc, adherence to tikanga and/or te reo Māori skill. The portfolio of stories submitted should exhibit wide (local or national, or both) appeal and interest, with real impact on readers/audiences.
The winner will receive the Te Tohu Kairangi trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE stories.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items.  This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. If another reporter was involved, the entrant must explain the extent of that person’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness, exclusive content and impact50%
Excellence in storytelling which demonstrates mātauranga/Māori knowledge and understanding, adherence to tikanga, and/or efforts to incorporate te reo Māori.30%
Use of contacts/initiative20%

Award description

This award recognises the work of journalists who provide in-depth news, features and analysis of business issues – including economics and finance – in New Zealand and globally which affect New Zealanders.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE business news stories or features.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items.  This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry. Your statement is an important component of your entry so use it wisely. It could help the judges decide why your stories deserve to win over another equally good entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact/exclusive content/relevance to audience50%
Investigative element/analysis, agenda setting and use of contacts and initiative25%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence25%

Award description

This award recognises the skill of cartoonists and animators producing editorial single panel/frame or strip cartoons/animations, either as an individual or a team entry. The portfolio should demonstrate clarity of perspective; originality/creativity; immediate impact; use of tools to successfully persuade readers eg. humour, symbolism, exaggeration, analogy; and artistic skill to communicate the message.
The winner will receive the Sir Gordon Minhinnick trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. This award is open to cartoonists and animators producing editorial single panel/frame or strip cartoons, either as an individual or team entry.
  3. Entrants must submit a portfolio of FIVE digital or print cartoons or animations, or a combination.
  4. If the cartoon or animation accompanied a story, entrants must include a URL link/pdf/screenshot of the associated story to give context.
  5. Entrants must provide a title and include details of where the cartoon or animation was published and the date.
  6. Entrants must write a statement of support of up to 200 words, giving background to the cartoons/animations.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Clarity of perspective – leaves reader with a clear understanding of the point the cartoonist/animator is trying to make30%
Originality/creativity - presents a unique or creative way of reflecting a perspective on the issue at hand30%
Impact/persuasion - immediate impact, successful in persuading the reader using humour/wit in its widest definition (black or bleak, wryness, irony, satire) or other persuasive techniques eg. symbolism, exaggeration, labelling, analogy20%
Artistic skill – strength of graphic qualities and visual techniques, eg. skill with known subjects, using visual metaphors effectively and deploying artistic skills to communicate the idea/point.20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in lifestyle journalism – including travel, fashion, fitness, wellbeing, food, leisure, the arts and entertainment.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work (including that of video journalists and photo-journalists/photographers) published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites/apps, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE lifestyle stories or photo-journalism essays. Entries may include stories featuring destinations and locations within New Zealand and overseas.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. If another reporter was involved, the entrant must explain the extent of that person’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Please name all contributors to the production of any videos, including yourself, and their roles on the ‘Contact information’ tab.
  6. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content; writing excellence; and/or compelling visual storytelling50%
Ability to inspire readers/viewers30%
Originality; quirky angles; useful information20%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in journalism by print, digital and/or broadcast journalists producing stories that report on and inform their local communities.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE examples of their work on any subject. This may include a mixture of news reports, features and opinion writing.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. The majority of all content submitted should be the work of one journalist only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content50%
Writing excellence/connection to reader/relevance to the community or region25%
Use of contacts/initiative25%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in news reporting with a particular focus on coverage of topical, current/immediate news that impacts on New Zealand audiences.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of up to THREE examples of their work on any subject. This may include a mixture of news reports, features and opinion writing. If submitting long form video or audio, this should be a maximum of two pieces of work and no longer than one hour total in duration. Short form video or audio should be no longer than 30 minutes total in duration.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. The majority of all content submitted should be the work of one journalist only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must provide a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content50%
Writing excellence/connection to reader/relevance to the community25%
Use of contacts/initiative25%

Award description

This award recognises the work of journalists who break political stories, providing context, analysis, and discourse. Portfolios should include stories which had a strong impact on New Zealand’s politics, contributed to a better public understanding of matters of government, highlighted issues/problems within political parties and/or analysed the social and economic environment of political decisions and consequences of government decisions.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE political stories.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Impact/exclusive content/newsworthiness50%
Agenda setting/informative/use of contacts and initiative 25%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence25%

Award description

This award recognises excellence in the wide range of skills required in sports journalism: spanning business, entertainment, ethics, the emotion of highs and lows – and of course national pride.
The winner of this award will be presented with the T.P. McLean Trophy.

Entry criteria

  1. This award is for work published in New Zealand-based newspapers, magazines and/or websites, or broadcast on radio or television during 2024.
  2. Entrants must submit a portfolio of THREE sports-related stories.
  3. Multi-part stories are permitted – but no more than two parts of the series may be presented as one of the required items. This could be a two-part story, or two parts from a specific series. Follow-up articles to an original story do not qualify as a two-part submission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more detail.
  4. Although a team may have been involved in the production, the primary storyteller should be one reporter only. In the case of a joint byline, the entrant must explain the extent of the co-author’s involvement otherwise judges may disqualify the entry.
  5. Entrants must include a statement of support of up to 300 words giving background to the entry.


Judging criteriaWeighting
Newsworthiness/exclusive content50%
Writing and/or storytelling excellence/connection to audience25%
Use of contacts/insight25%

Award description

This award recognises dynamic and innovative leadership at a senior level in journalism and the media. The winner will receive the Editorial Leader of the Year cup.

Entry criteria

  1. Nominations for this award must be made by a senior supervisor or manager but the entry submission itself may be written by the candidate.
  2. In the case of a smaller or owner-operated organisation, applicants may be nominated by a co-owner or a senior staff member.
  3. The candidate must have been employed in a leadership role by a New Zealand-based media organisation during 2024. Media organisations may nominate up to three candidates – or up to five candidates for media organisations with an employee base of more than 500.
  4. Nominees may write or co-write their own entry statements of up to 500 words. Details could include efforts to create a new product or products; work to rejuvenate a struggling product or increase readership/viewers/listeners; efforts to bring about change or achieve a vision; work to build a cohesive team; examples of going the extra mile to achieve a common goal; work to foster journalism and build audiences across multiple platforms; leadership that benefited colleagues, peers and other staff. Please spell out what has been achieved and how this has made a difference.
  5. Supporting statements should include specific examples of how some or all of the above were achieved.
  6. The nominee’s entry statement should be accompanied by a letter of support from a supervisor or manager, or in the case of smaller organisations a co-owner or a senior staff member. This letter should confirm the contents of the entry submission and outline the candidate’s leadership achievements in 2024, how this benefited staff or his/her division, the company and its objectives, the audience and any other stakeholders. The letter of support should be no more than 400 words.

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